Associate Teaching Professor
B.A. International Relations
Peter began his teaching career in 1987 as an assistant d’anglais at a high school in France. After completing his master’s degree, he taught at the Wall Street Institute in Geneva, Switzerland for nearly two years before moving on to TASOK (The American School of Kinshasa) in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Since his return to the United States in 1995, Peter has taught at Miami-Dade College and at the ELI, where he continues to teach until this day. One of the things Peter enjoys most about his work is meeting students from so many different countries. He is currently involved in writing curriculum for the ELI and is continuously designing or redesigning materials for his courses. When not teaching, he likes to spend time outdoors: hiking, kayaking, or simply enjoying the beauty of God’s creation.
Email: ptome@fiu.edu